Friday, February 5, 2010


(Wow, it feels really weird posting on here)

I have no idea if anyone will actually see this, but, oh well.

When I got the printed and bound proof copy of my book, I wrote a page of dedications, but not many people have gotten to see it. So I decided I might as well put it on here, just in case people actually are still reading this. Here goes. And if I mentioned you- I meant it!

This book is dedicated to, firstly, God. For giving me writing talent and also giving me the knowledge to use it and not just give it up! Also to my family for being great supporters even when I can be pretty strange sometimes (and they definitely know how strange I can be!).

And thanks to my family for being almost as strange as me and not making me feel left out! (Just kidding... sort of).

Thanks to all my cousins because you're all awesome! Especially the ones that I chat with/write letters to. But you're all awesome.

Um, thanks to my friends. You're cool. I love you guys.

I'd also like to thank the bands Skillet and Red for giving me some amazing mood music that really helped when I was writing some scenes. Also Switchfoot, Taylor Swift, Adam Lambert, and Linkin Park. But especially Red and Skillet.

Lastly, thanks to Shira Mali (Alice...) for being my number one fan! And for giving me great critiques and advice, especially with this novel. So, thanks to my number one fan from Nagem Teep.

And that's who my book is dedicated to.

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