Monday, November 30, 2009

The Novel

Hey, everybody.

This is the blog that I've created so that all of you who are interested (although I don't know why you would be) can read my novel.

So, as you can probably see, I've posted each chapter in a separate post. I was going to do it all in one big long shabang, but I think that this way is better, and less confusing.
I sure hope the word shabang didn't confuse you.

Anyway, I'd just like to say a few more things.

1- Please, please, PLEASE bear with me and remember. This is a first draft. A ROUGH first draft. It won't be the same when I make it into a second draft - if I do. It's not even edited yet. I do edit a little as I go along, but there will be mistakes, I can assure you. Maybe even big ones. Just keep that in mind as you read.

2. I would really like to know just who is reading this. So please post a comment on any of these posts, you don't even have to say anything if you don't want. Just your name. I would really appreciate that. So, please do! And you don't even have to have a Blogger account to do it. Really. So, please leave your name, at least.

3. I would also like something besides your name - input. Criticism, or compliments if you like. I'm mostly looking for criticism, though, because otherwise, how will I know how to make this better? So please take the time and leave your own personal opinion. I'll read it, most definitely.

Okay, that's all. Thanks! Remember those three things!



Shanee said...

I am beginning your novel!

Alice said...

You have a lot of negative self talk. I don't think that's a good thing...

Wish me luck as I start your novel!

Yours etc,

Megan said...

I do? Well, I know I do, but I didn't know that I put any in there. Oh well.
Remember what the peptalks said, Megan...